Monday, December 7, 2009

Look of the Day


From the one and only


Mia and Jane always had the best of the best.

All from Modcloth

Great Ads of Times Gone By


Okay yes these are made THAT much better because they have Val Kilmer in them - but come on, they're pretty great +Just about anything can be made better when Linda Evangelista is there.
The 90's were not long enough ago for all the magazines and articles to be fully archived yet, which blows.  I would give a kidney for perfect copies of these, I'd give the other one for the outtakes.  I love fashion in the 1990's, it was all about fun; it was artsy without being preachy, and you had real personality, something the industry is seriously lacking now.  I love when they brought in celebrities as well (see here) because it wasn't all about them, they were models just like everyone else; if they had the personality, it came through.

Okay I can't help it, one last ode to our two stars:


Oh and the colors were fantastic.